Have you ever bought some lettuce telling yourself that your going to make this Ah-mazing salad but that never happens and it ends up wilting and looking drab??
Well here’s a quick and easy way to perk-up greens in no time! I received this once beautiful head of lettuce from Mama Earth Organics and unfortunately life got in the way and I didn’t end up using it right away. As you can tell from the picture it’s not bright and the ends look very sad.
To fix this, all I did was chop up the greens, put them in a bowl with cold water, 2 cups of ice, a pinch of salt and walked away.
After 20 mins or until all of the ice melts, you will end up with beautiful, crisp greens.
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Crazy right?? By adding salt, the cold water travels from the bowl into the lettuce plumping up the leaves and making them crispy again a.k.a through osmosis …. remember that from 9th grade science?? ?
So the next time you’re about to whip up a salad and realize that your greens are looking a little sad try this hack. But don’t take my word for it, check out this clip I found on YouTube to see lettuce come to life in about 18 seconds!
Until next time!