How I Keep My Sh*t Together: Erin Condren Life Planner

Hey everyone!  I know I’ve been a bit MIA the past few days but that’s because both baby Z and I have been under the weather and I have also been working on a project for the past month which I am excited to share with you guys closer to the end of this post.

Staying organized and on top of every thing is exhausting and overwhelming – home, kids, work, the blog, events – the list can go on!  I was finding that the harder I tried to be productive the more I’d fall behind.  I was dreading starting work in January and felt like I was going to fall a part because there was so much to do and I couldn’t get everything organized and under control.  I was in desperate need of finding a system that would be efficient and keep me motivated.

I tried a number of different planners but would end up getting bored of them and the next thing I knew I had 10 unused planners laying around and it wasn’t helping anyone.  I then moved to my smart phone and for a while that worked, however, I found myself forgetting to get tasks done because it wasn’t directly in front of me – out of sight, out of mind.

Annoyed of my phone, I was craving to take things back ‘old school’ a.k.a. pen and paper.  I had always been an avid planner user since middle school and loved decorating it.  Somehow I thought that the prettier it looked the more productive I’d be.  For a few months I started writing down lists on notepads and sticky notes which worked when I didn’t lose them.

Then one night I was trolling YouTube while I was up with Z, and came across a video on how this girl was using her Erin Condren Life Planner and that it changed her life.  I was intrigued and started to do a little more research and uncovered this whole “planner community” that I never knew existed – people sharing their planners on how they decorate them to stay organized by combing productivity with a creative outlet.  I love being crafty and designing so I decided to jump on the bandwagon and order myself a life planner to see what all the fuss was about.

I ordered the “ready to ship” vertical planner in the rose gold edition along with a few other goodies during their black Friday sale.  It arrived in the cutest packaging and it instantly got me excited!

Erin Condren Life Planner

I now have been using my Erin Condren Life Planner for about 4 months and I absolutely love it.  I use to it to plan out my week, spread out my cleaning routine, schedule blog posts, find programs and activities to do with Z and even document the hours I work.  I’ve become so much more productive and I’m the busiest I’ve ever been.

Since I am a visual learner, I needed something that was organized and was nice to look at so that it would motivate me to get things done.  I love knowing that I can decorate my planner and give it a completely different look each week to keep me going without getting bored of the setup or design.

Erin Condren Life Planner erin condren life plannerDecorative planning became a creative outlet for me and I began designing and creating stickers to use in my planner.  I have been enjoying it so much that I decided to take the plunge and add one more thing to my list – an Etsy shop!

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I’m proud to announce that I will be opening up my sticker shop on May 1st where you can buy weekly kits and functional stickers to help you plan out and keep your week organized.  The planner community has been great and I’ve been loving all of the positive feedback that I’ve received over the past month.

I know that this method of planning may not be for everyone – but if you’re feeling like you don’t have enough time in a day to get everything done, you need to find a system, whatever that may be or look like that works for you.  For me, decorative planning works because it’s not only my creative outlet but it also keeps me accountable.  I’ve had a few people ask me how I am able to keep track of everything and honestly the answer has been my planner.

If you’re interested in finding out more be sure to follow my planner account on Instagram @blanketplanner or to even see what the hoopla is all about, type in ‘Plan With Me’ on YouTube and if you’re anything like me, get ready to be sucked in for a few hours!

If you do decide you want to try out an Erin Condren planner, they are currently 50% off for the 2016 calendar year and if you click here you can receive an additional $10 off your entire purchase – meaning you can get your hands on one of these babies for only $15!

Let me know if you decide to join the planner community or if you already have a system that you’re loving to help keep yourself organized in the comments section below!  I know that I’m always looking for tips and tricks when it comes to organization!

Well, that is all for now, and I’ll be back next week with a quick skillet side dish that will elevate your veggies to a whole new level!

Until next time!



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8 comments on “How I Keep My Sh*t Together: Erin Condren Life Planner

  1. Hi I love how you setup your planner although I am not a nowhitespace planner. I do like your style. And I love your vintage rose kit 😍 my ig is plannerzivi. Thank you for the opportunity 😊

  2. My favorite planner is probably the happy planner or @jm_planners its like a hybrid of an ec or happy planner but in letter size which is what I want!!
    My favorite sticker is probably quotes boxes or hydrate stickers. Its an important habit i strive for daily!
    My ig is @honduranmermaid. πŸ’œπŸ’™

  3. My favorite is either the happy planner or the erin condren planner. I really like them both! My instagram is “inlalaland04”, thanks!

  4. Hi! Your blog is so lovely smile emoticon.
    My favorite planner is the Happy Planner and my IG name is @wind.souls.

    Thank you for making this giveway, this is the planner I want but in Portugal it’s impossible to buy, just in Me and My big ideas site, and the shipping is above 40$.
    Really, thank you.

  5. I’ve always been a Filofax girl but I disappeared from the planner community for two years. But I’m back now and was completely overwhelmed with the popularity of ECLP and Etsy sticker shops! I finally got myself an ECLP which arrived on Monday and it’s been so fun! I’m currently not working (lost my job back in January) but it makes me complete tasks that need to be done here at home. I have a Happy Planner coming in too so can’t wait to try that. Before the ECLP, I got the $7.95 Paper Source planner and I was very much in love with that. My Instagram is @tofuful.

  6. Hi romessa πŸ’• ! Your blog is so lovely and cute πŸ’• i love it πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜™
    So my favorite planner is the Happy Planner πŸ˜„ and my IG name is @planner.jassy

    Thank you so much 😒 for making this giveawayπŸ’•, this is the planner 😊 that I want but infortunately in our country we haven’t this community of planner and i can’t buy one , she would be a beautiful gift to me from you 😁 .
    Really, thank you hun for the chance 😻 fingers crossed πŸ™πŸ™Œ

  7. Hi there! I love how you decorate your EC planner and your stickers are super duper cute! 😊 My favorite planner is The Happy Planner. I love it because it’s easy to decorate and it’s really pretty. My favorite stickers are kawaii stickers (but I don’t have one haha!). I love floral, mermaid, princesses, heart, student, teacher & baby stickers. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ My IG is @mjhappycorner. 😘

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