Taking F.L.I.G.H.T

Last year I bought my husband flying lessons and this past July we finally were able to make our way up north so that he could take flight.  

As we pulled up the gravel driveway, I could see her nestled away, waiting.  Her body catching the sunlight as it poured in through a window – what a beauty.  I stepped out of the car and took in the crisp, fresh air as I walked towards ‘Hangar G’ to meet her.  In the distance I could hear the faint sounds of propellers as aircrafts taxied along the runway – deciding which direction to take off.

gearing up

As my husband geared up and began to prepare for takeoff, I looked out into the open field and it felt as if time was at a standstill – no worries, no fears.  Instead I felt a sense of calm come over me.  Watching the planes make their way up and down the runway made me realize that life is full of endless possibilities – but it is up to us to take control of our own F.L.I.G.H.T.

Sitting on the grass, I grabbed my iPhone and started jotting down my thoughts and came up with F.L.I.G.H.T.

Forgiveness is two-fold.  It is not only about being able to forgive others, but it is also about being able to forgive yourself.  When we hold onto feelings, they keep us from achieving our goals and prospering in life.  It’s not about excusing, minimizing or justifying the act that caused you hurt, but it is about letting go of the past and looking forward.  You will no longer define yourself by your hurt, but instead learn to become more understanding and compassionate and foster a positive energy.

By carrying love in your heart, it centers your soul and you become in tune with yourself and begin to experience the universe in a different light.  Emulating love allows you to be at peace and attract good karma in your life.  It is important to know that you don’t need to be in love to have love.

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Be humble and grateful.  We often forget to give thanks and appreciate everything that has been provided to us.  Why is it that only when we are in a time of need that most of us seek guidance or answers from the universe or greater being?  I think that it is important for us to take a moment every night before you go to sleep and reflect on what you are thankful for.

Be optimistic and vibrant.  Put out an energy that attracts positive thoughts and change your frame of thinking whenever faced with adversity.  We need hope so that we can uncover our purpose in life.  Without hope it can be difficult to achieve our full potential.

No matter what happens in life we need to remember to keep moving forward.  Life is full of hurt and pain. It is up to us to persevere and know that there is always tomorrow.  In the wise words of Dori, from Finding Nemo,  “Just keep swimming”

By having a clear idea of what is important in your life allows you to decide what will be.  Think about how you can free yourself from unwanted drama and negative energies and focus on yourself.  If you take control of your flight you’ll take control of your life.  Forgive, Love, Inspire, have Gratitude, live with Hope and know that there is always Tomorrow.

Until next time!




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